Thermaxes is an access control system which incorporates Infrared Temperature Measurement as part of the User Authentication process. The non-contact measuring method of the Infra-red sensor ensures that the process is time efficient, sterile and in compliance with social distancing practise. Since a primary symptom of a potential COVID related infection is fever, and a forehead temperature from 37'C (person dependant) and rising indicates a low grade fever, ThermaXes provides an excellent test before entry front-line protection protocol for the workplace as any person attempting entry would first be checked for primary symptoms.
Traditional Access Control Technology is incorporated with ThermaXes, for example BarCode Style access cards and RFID cards enabling the system to be used and implemented either as a replacement or alongside an existing system which is familiar to users.
System logging maintains records of each user's daily temperature on entry, providing reports which can be used on contact tracing should a COVID infection occur.
ThermaXess would continue, post COVID, as a front-line protection protocol for the workplace as any person attempting entry would first be checked for primary symptoms which is an eleveated or above normal temperature.
ThermaXess Enroll
ThermaXess Enroll: uses a combination of a PC Workstation and an external, USB Powered Device. The external device hosts and powers the Infrared sensor which measures forehead temperature.
The system can measure the person's temperature in a few seconds, and relay that information back to the PC which registers the measurement against a user enrollment.
The Authentication process can be triggered manually, using a Barcode Style Access Card or an RFID card. A log is created, and maintained for the day and the data is stored in a SQL Style Database.
ThermaXess Enroll is intended as an out of the box solution which can be setup and operational with basic PC skills.
Thermaxess is versatile and can be used as a Single Door Access control system provided the ThermaXes Enroll Hardware is connected to a PC, the user verification and temperature logging features will function autonomously.
Software Requirements
ThermaXess PC Application
Hardware Requirements
ThermaXess Enroll
Software Specifications
- PC Workstation
- Operating System: Windows 10
- Storage Space: < 1GB
- Software Development
- .NET Compatiable
- C# Styled Code
- Data Storage
Hardware Specifications
The following hardware specifications describe the curent system, which may be subject to change.
- ThermaXess Device: Microcontroller Based Device 8 bit, PIC18F45K22
- USB powered